
9 To 5 Ends For Us

I graduated in mechanical engineering, while Sharanya (my wife) in electronics & communication engineering . Surprisingly, both of us have forged our careers in software engineering 🧑‍💻. We consider this transition to be the most pivotal event in our lives.

Initially, our individual careers were flourishing. We were employed by renowned global companies, earning commendable compensation 🤑, and honing our skillsets. The corporate benefits were an added bonus.

However, a sense of monotony began to pervade our lives. We found ourselves exchanging precious time for monetary gains. Starting from scratch with zero bank balance and no generational wealth, we initially pursued this path for our own survival and that of our family. A decade into our careers, it became apparent that continuing down this road indefinitely no longer made sense.

Then, we stumbled upon the concept of “Financial Independence Retire Early” (FIRE 🔥). This notion resonated with us, presenting a challenging yet compelling objective. We set ambitious goals and surpassed them 🎯 .

Originally, we set our sights on retiring by 2025. However, in recent years, we’ve come to realize that life is fragile 🤍 and waiting for the “right time” is a fallacy. Our aging parents require our support more than ever.

Many may argue that this is precisely what work-life balance entails. Believe it or not, achieving it is no small feat!

We meticulously weighed this decision from various angles - financial, emotional, and mental, among others. We’ve cherished our past decade in the corporate realm and harbor no regrets. True success lies in the freedom to pursue your desires on your own terms.

Thus, we’ve concluded that this is the right path for us!

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